Attention Employers – Struggling to get your workforce to return to the job? 

Attention Employers – Struggling to get your workforce to return to the job? 

If you have called back an employee who failed to return, follow the steps below.

On your company letterhead include:

  1. Employee name
  2. Employee Social Security number
  3. Scheduled return date
  4. Date they refused the job
  5. Company’s name address telephone number and their UI tax ID number

This can be faxed to the Department of Labor merit rating unit at 860-263-6723

This will result in the immediate stop the payment of unemployment benefits. Then both the employer and the employee will receive a packet of information from the Department of Labor regarding their rights to a hearing and to give a statement ( written) and a hearing will be set once the document is received.

May 7, 2020 Resources for National Emergency